Internet of Things (IoT) & Industry 4.0

Orchestrate prooven open source services and tools to build you own IoT or IIoT stack for small and medium projects.

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We are on the way to provide a reliable stack of proven open source components which will help you to build a simple yet powerful IoT infrastructure. Our app stack is available on docker making use of docker-compose to give you the best possible experience on setting up IoTStack! Discover our Repository and download scripts now to get started!

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Our IoTStack

What is an IoTStack?


In the IoTStack? Internet of Things (IoT) , objects are given a unique identity and can communicate with each other or receive commands. With the Internet of Things , applications can be automated and tasks can be performed without external intervention.

In addition to the possibility of communication between the devices
(Machine-to-Machine communication, M2M) , many of the networked objects provide an interface via the Internet that allows a user to operate and control the devices from any location.

The Internet and microprocessor technology form the technical basis of the
Internet of Things . Thanks to ever cheaper, smaller and more powerful microprocessors, objects can be equipped with electronic intelligence with relatively little effort. You will also receive a wired or wireless interface for connection to the Internet and a unique Internet address. They use these to send or receive their data and commands. The wireless communication technologies used include WLAN, Bluetooth or mobile phone standards such as UMTS and LTE.

There are numerous applications of the
Internet of Things . In the private sector, for example, the technology is used for building automation and the smart home. Typical applications include lighting control, alarm systems and remote monitoring, automatic heating and climate control or smart metering.

Click here to see our example of what you can do with IoT!


What options you can do with an IoTStack?

This is only an basic demo of what you can do with an IoTStack!





Begin with IoT

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